Third is a dedicated search & compare destination for preloved luxury bags. Offering the broadest range of products from the world’s most trusted resellers, Third acts as the origin for preloved luxury bags online. Operating as an inventory-free platform, you can discover and buy unique bags from the world’s most prestigious luxury brands.

We understand that every individual has unique taste and preferences when it comes to luxury fashion. We also know that no preloved bag is the same.
The Third compare tool makes picking the perfect product for you, simple. Whether you’re comparing similar items from different resellers or exploring various options, Third empowers you to make the best choice with a streamlined and hassle-free “find, compare, buy” process.
Our Values
Transparency is key. We partner with respected resellers to provide accurate information, including high-quality images, condition reports, and pricing details, so you can make informed choices.
By embracing preloved fashion, we support the circular economy, reduce waste, and extend the lifespan of designer items.
We believe in a seamless, efficient shopping experience that will guide you to your perfect preloved luxury item quickly and simply.